- Tank Decommissioning
From small residential heating oil tanks to large commercial tanks, K&S provides complete turn
key tank decommissioning services and an array of potential DEQ cleanup options, if necessary.
- Environmental Site Assessments
Unsuspecting parties in a property transaction may wind up being responsible for thousands of dollars in clean-up costs, even though contamination may have occurred years before any of the parties were involved.
- Investigative Drilling
We can answer many types of subsurface questions and provide accurate data identifying areas requiring cleanup.
- Site Cleanup (Soil & Groundwater)
Work developed by K&S concentrates on providing practical and economical solutions for environmental concerns at contaminated sites while insuring regulatory compliance.
- Soil and Groundwater Sampling
- Monitoring Well Installation & Sampling
- Sub Slab and Soil Gas Vapor sampling for Vapor Intrusion Assessments